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Mark Gammill Poems Image 5

distant star


thinking of you again tonight

staring at a lone and distant star

are you safe and warm I wonder

is there true love where you are


our favorite place deep in the woods

a clearing where we’d lay

on a blanket in the tall grass

for hours we would stay

we chose a certain star

to remember or to find

if ever we were parted

forever would remind


sitting here looking to the sky

longing for your love again

searching far into the heavens

a hope that will not end

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only goodbye


her green colorado license plate

her old red chevrolet

I gave her a rose inside a car

outside a hard liquor store

but she wanted more

always more


I drove her home it was late

too much to drink and nothing left to say

our hearts were cold as I held her hand

I knew love wasn’t meant this way


broken glass and moonlight

If I’d only known then

from the very start

the promise we’d never part

I thought I knew her heart

but she would let it die

now only goodbye


the very best of friends I thought

but the best of all was lost

she broke the promise and without hope

there was nothing left unbroke

we both know the dark truth why

now only goodbye


standing outside in a late September rain

having lost and found in all the pain

watching her bedroom light go dim

this lie of the heart was sin

and I know she knows why

now only goodbye

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in my dreams


in my dreams

I see her late at night

in my dreams

her face shining in light

in my dreams

there’s forgiveness and hope

in my dreams

in love her and I both

in my dreams

I give everything I have

in my dreams

we still talk and laugh

in my dreams

there’s peace and joy in her eyes

in my dreams

no one leaves or lies or dies

in my dreams

she’s never too far away

in my dreams

not here alone beside her grave


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in the face of this danger

was a picture of us

like a kiss from a stranger

that was never enough

when your sure of the end

and do nothing to change

you’ll lose your own soul

with nothing to blame


the park near your house

the dark skies and rain

we lost all of our trust

never to be the same

the truth of a love

left only to rust

in the face of this danger

was a picture of us

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I will never understand why you went away

without saying goodbye or the promise of a day

when you and I would meet or speak again

how could you leave with such a cold and bitter end


my heart will never change and always long for you

while living in the past and searching far into

wishing that your sweet face and voice was present near

beyond these counted days it is without you that I fear


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season’s greetings


I thought I’d send you a card

for old times sake

with autumn leaves now falling

remembering together we would rake

do you recall the time

you hid behind the Christmas tree

finding you there

without any clothes

just wearing a bow

wrapped for only me


while I was searching for your address

and thinking hard about the past

I had so many deep regrets

I know will always last


such a joyful time of year

caroler’s singing

children playing in the snow

I wish you were here again

I should have never let you go


please accept this simple card from me

and always remember this

you were the greatest gift I ever had

a chance at true love I know I missed


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so long


goodbye to you my faithful friend

such a painful loss

a sorrow from which I will never mend

all too brief was the life you lived

so much more to learn and love and give


the memory of you will always stay

within my thoughts

never fading away

the smile you gave

the heartfelt words

the joyous laugh so often heard

memories are falling now

like a much needed rain

nourishing a broken heart

now feeling the pain

of losing you and all we shared

it always showed how much you cared


only God knows why and understands

our lives he holds within his hands

I’ll look for you on that distant shore

where the sun will set on us no more

where the light of God forever shines

and your lasting love again I’ll find

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trying hard to pass this sad and lonely time

chasing away the old dreams

and hoping soon to find

a sure and peaceful way the truth can only bring

still the memory of you shadows over everything


that night by your house

without love and without grace

remembering the look in your eyes

the expression on your face

how could you bring an end to us

only to a loss

no chance that we might find again

with two paths that never cross

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I have to tell you this

our lives not fully lived

a sweet and sad goodbye

is all I have to give


between you and I

was seldom something pure

too little without a doubt

too little lasting and sure

but I will so miss holding you

the perfect moments that we shared

that soft and warm familiar place

the sweetest smell of your dark hair


watching you walk away

the pain increasing with every step

the truth was lost within your eyes

and in the lies with no regrets


I bless you for all the tears

and all the pain you stood

I’m so sorry things didn’t change

back when I knew they should

though I didn’t understand

why you left the way you did

you don’t have to me explain

for the truth’s no longer hid


when the leaves began to fall

and the rain moved with the wind

you saw a better place

regardless of your friend

perhaps another time

when never comes goodbye

and the winter doesn’t chill

or take away the life

I will look for you until

the sun no longer shines

wishing for a different end

while falling on the knife

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I always wonder how you are

somewhere far away from me

I miss you more than ever

I hope someday I'll see

your sweet and caring face

through my sad eyes again

its not easy never seeing

your best and dearest friend


we've gone through so much together

and have long been out of touch

but maybe someday we'll find away

because I know it means so much


we will always have our love

so try and reach me anytime

and I'll listen to your heart

and tell you what's in mine


it may not be easy on us

but we'll never give up a love

we took so long to build together

and are still writing the story of


our story is still evolving

only you and I will ever understand

and we know the truth of all of it

as we slowly walk across the sand


reunited now here on a beach

waiting for the distant sun to set

he carefully puts his arm around her

and they never will forget


as the sun gently begins to fall

and the day soon becomes the night

they'll remember this moment forever

embracing in the disappearing light


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Lost Vegas


driving all night

I can now see the lights

of Vegas reminding me of you

wanting someone to hold on to

like you and I were

missing her


checking into a room

many stories above

lost without love

emptiness surrounds

a heart that was true

in the end I held on to

all of the trust

but she would not fulfill

her promise of


bar lights low

I wish I could go where she is

out in the street

the world’s a stranger

people everywhere

I still care for her


I see her eyes

no its someone else

reminding of

how I always felt

such a foolish heart

so far from home

back to the room

but not alone

with memory of 

the truest love

I cannot hold



my fateful friend

drinking all night

till the light of day

I know its not the way

but letting go of you

has been so hard to do

with so much left to say

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straight tequila shots

mez-cal highs

all-night lows

short skirts waiting across the bar

dark lipstick schemes

willing to go as far


LA high-life

hollywood hills

convertible chevrolets

fast lives on seacliff drive

summer blondes on beaches lay


heroin addict dreams

foolish city lights

searching spotlight beams

inner-city gangs

a faithful choir sings

just another sunny day

living in LA

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distant love


wherever you are now

I sure hope you're doing ok

somewhere in this crazy world

maybe somewhere far away

Is there joy in your heart

and a sweet smile on your face

are you safe and warm I hope

in a far distant place


Is the sun shining down on you

and warm against your skin

will you watch it set soon at a beach

and maybe think of your old friend

when you look at that deep blue ocean

with the waves slowly rolling in

remember that I still love you

and that my love will never end


remembering all those talks we had

so beautiful and true

you slowly opened up your heart

and let me really get to know you

always remember I love you

and that will never ever change

we went through so much together

and suffered through all the pain

just know that I’m thinking of you

and pray God will always from above

guide you and protect you

with his pure and forgiving love

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I wanted to tell

and let you know

all of the truth

that was never told

and forgive the past

of you and I

the mistakes we made

our sad goodbye


I always saw

within your eyes

a beautiful truth

and beyond the lies

I wanted to change

what is now our fate

we had a chance

but now its too late


the grass and dirt

beneath your knees

two souls apart

and will forever be

you knew too well

it could end this way

as rain gently falls

upon my grave

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last of me


see here the last of me

but my words will always be

not about the want of money or fame

only about the truth of love

the goal to gain


to help change the past 

with a simple pen

to heal our hearts

to begin again

to inspire those that still may care

to anchor those pulled into despair


a true poet’s life is seldom told

though collected works

are bound and sold

no true profit gained

only misunderstood

if only one mind

could be changed for the good


many late night hours

bleeding onto the page

many painfully written words

of a truthful rage

in a slow fading light

I can no longer see

remember these words

the last of me


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no more


the cabin we built

deep in the woods

a reminder of everything

we should have been

constructed to last

against the rain and the wind

like a picture old and gray

we should have remained

but the flood of it all

took you far away


pine needles and dust

move across the hard floor

the pain of your loss

has opened the door

a spirit of dread

now enters into this place

without your life here

it fills this dark empty space


a shelf filled with liquor

left empty again

now paying the price

the wages of sin

a few last words on a page

by faint candlelight

tell of losing a love

and of losing a fight


a pool on the floor

a dark and deepening red

the smell of gun powder

and the silence of dead

a picture of you

face down on the floor

lost hope and lost love

now gone and no more


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unbendable bars

dim and falling stars

the winter chills

warmer where you are


words of a new poem

lie crumpled on the floor

unable to find the strength

to write of this no more


a candle on the wall

begging more and more for life

losing its steady burn

losing its winless fight


shadows move across the room

knowing of the time

the end of all

the war of it

never will I find


in a cell of my own making

having lost the will to fight

thinking of the final words

I know I need to write


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many memories

lost in a photograph

of a time now past

of a love that was real

and time would steal

a second chance

for you and I

to find a way

only now that I can say

my love was true

and always this

a dear sweet kiss

from a faithful heart


do you remember us

the way we were

this one will stir

and take you back

a long lost photograph

a bit gray and worn

like you and me

just a memory

just a memory


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say goodbye


say a sad goodbye of letting go

and all I could to try or hope

with another your heart may find a peace

you deserve a chance at love complete


so now its yours

the path you choose

what holds in store

is up to you

let go of the pain

and all we took

find the way of truth

you can if you look

say a prayer for us

no more tears to cry

say you will always

and with love

say goodbye

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