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many years now gone by

she’d left without a word

at a little all night café

a door opening heard

in walked an old friend

I’d loved without condition

like a hallucination

a dark haunting vision


the rain she brought in

fell soft on the floor

she moved to a table

not far from the door

the return of the past

like a fast moving storm

in a small restaurant

familiar and warm


her eyes raised and stared

directly at me

how familiar the pain

and would always be

unable to move

I just looked away

its only a dream

is all I could say


then awaking I found

the clock by the bed

again 3am

flashing in red

a long distant thunder

like an echo from the past

these recurring dreams of you

how long will they last


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high sierra roads

the car radio plays

summer nights were long

even longer than those summer days

sleeping bags in the trunk

her perfect smile on passenger side

arriving at a deep forest grove

after a long and dangerous ride


with the car top down

the smell of fresh mountain pine

we listened to our favorite tunes

and drank a lot of our favorite wine


her dark enchanting eyes

I was lost within the spell

was our love just an illusion

it was hard for me to tell

the smell of her dark brown hair

the feel of her body on mine

ignoring the simple truth

it was easy to be so blind


looking far into the heavens

knowing our future wasn’t bright

holding her for the last time

shadows forming in the moonlight


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forgiving love


walking down along this familiar shore

I wonder where you are

looking hard into the darkness

far beyond the shining stars

I wish you here beside me

walking late along the pier

there will always be this space

an empty place without you near


having come so far

having the need to find this place again

missing all the certain love

of a best and dearest friend

pier lights glow along the waves

a deep and restless sea

reminding of a past

that was never meant to be


I hope you find your peace

and all you were dreaming of

never forget the beauty

of such a pure and forgiving love

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I’ll remember you at sunset

when the light begins to dark

I’ll remember you at sunset

when walking alone at the park

I’ll remember you at sunset

when the stars begin to show and guide

I’ll remember you at sunset

and all of our love until I die

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winter night in a house built for two

without you here the life of this place we knew

is gone and left just walls and dust

and pictures of the pain

the reason for the loss of you

was never to me explained


oak fire light

cabernet and cold outside

faintly falling snow

every piece another memory

of a place I can no longer go


3 am

I’m wearing thin

faint shadows on the wall

the hopeless wish the night would end

if only you would call

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dark road


walking down this road again tonight

trying to find my way home

I walk past your house

thoughts of you alone

from the roadside I watch

the warm light shine from your room

I long for your love

though I know no time soon

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love is forgiving and forever

honest and always

constant and pure

all that was and all that's new

love is true

love is true


never against or what for

giving all and much more

unselfishly there

in the face of it all

close and there willing

if ever the call


for the first and the last

for the truth and the right

never giving up hope

back and forth with the light

shining and searching

a dark and restless sea

for the mere breath of a hope

that will find again

you and me

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over & over


chasing over and over the same broken dreams

staring at an empty glass more and more it seems

trying hard to lose the pictures of you in my head

though I try I still see your dark brown eyes instead


bartender orders another shot for the pain

for you my friend he says

another one of the same

neon glowing

memories flowing

bleeding far into the past

over and over

hardly ever sober

how much longer will it last


3 am

sleepless night again

hearing your soft voice in the rain

reoccurring dreams

the long and endless scenes

of losing you again


in a quiet room

I cannot move

the ghost of your face at the end

no matter how hard I tried

your words goodbye

rang over and over again


in a pool of red

on the floor near the bed

an old photograph of you

how sad it is

to have come to this

what else was I to do

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across the stars


I‘ll look for you across the stars

now and then

near and far

I’ll look for you across the stars

to find a way

to change the end

of losing love

of my dearest friend

the light I saw

through dark clouds of night

I’ll never forget

shining far and bright

I will be there

if ever you look so far

and wait for you

across the stars

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one for the road


just one for the road

the lost promise of love

with nothing left to show

the sacred truth you lose

and never really come to know

another one for lost hope

and another one

last one for the road


they’re closing the bar

a familiar patron yawns

the sun also rises

a short time until dawn

empty bottle of vodka

falls and rolls on the floor

dimming neon lights

leaving to find a hard liquor store


sad song we once knew

on the radio plays

haunting my lost soul

more than I can take

now paying the toll

to cross a dark bridge

distant city lights glow

I’m staring down from the edge


no sound I can hear

against the hard falling rain

one last step I could take

ending all of this pain

It’s more than I can bear

too full of this load

here’s to you my lost love

one last one for the road


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holding her


zipping up her jacket

I would to keep her warm

all of the while

my heart lost and torn

she would open and love

and touch once again

this promise of trust

the promise of friends


rushing water cold

rushing past a hard stand

if she would slip and fall

I knew that my hand

would not let her go

or fall far from me

her care was my first

and would always be


too many memories now

too hard to recall

every good one

darken by the end

and so after all

until the day I die

one thing will be sure

I will long for her love

and alone holding her

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her grave


so full of life and wonder

beauty and love in your eyes

how could it all change I wonder

loss of love and life


darkness falls I cannot find

without your presence near

without your joy and laughter

with only the pain and tears


I think of how we parted

I never understood

why you left the way you did

I never thought you would


I will so miss your heart

wish we would have had the time

to talk of how things changed

and try and make things right


so sad the way it ends my love

but I do promise to return

from time to time with flowers

and with a love we never learned

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dinner for two

beneath the stars

sipping house chablis

how beautiful you are

sincere smiles

candles fading low in the wind

always like this?

always love?

always friends?


our deepest desires

games we played to the end

games of chance and love

we both knew we’d never win


ocean waves

filling open shallow graves

the smell of her undernourished skin

the rolling tides

the endless nights

places we should have never been


watching the sun rise

her young body lies sleeping

from too much wine and gin

cool morning breeze

she was soon to leave

and I’d never see her again


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this cold empty house

the long abandoned halls

no more hearing your sweet voice

no long awaited calls

no familiar car you drove

in the driveway parked

no more long talks with you

as the neighbor’s dog barked

no fine cabernet to share

by low candlelight

no more making love with you

late into the night

no secret words or phrases

only best of friends know

no more staying out too late

with familiar places to go

no more warmth in the bed

for me to hold or to touch

no one here to tell I love you

or need you so much

no clothes left hung in the closet

or note left to be read

only emptiness here now

as I lay in our bed

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in your eyes


in your eyes an innocent child

in your eyes lost and wild

in your eyes everything that’s right

in your eyes as dark as night


in your eyes I found my home

in your eyes now I’m left alone

in your eyes forever you’d stay

in your eyes now far away


in your eyes I saw so much

in your eyes I could never touch

in your eyes you’ll never let go

in your eyes your wayward soul


in your eyes were beautiful dreams

in your eyes now painful scenes

in your eyes I once could trust

in your eyes no longer love


in your eyes I once saw a friend

in your eyes now see the end

in your eyes are goodbye tears

in your eyes what I always feared


in your eyes I’ll remember us

in your eyes the last picture of

in your eyes I no longer see

in your eyes you and me

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remembering her in the water

remembering her across the sand

remembering our short time together

walking slowly hand in hand


surfers searching for the perfect wave

summer girls laying exposed to tan

she was splashing softly falling

into the water as we ran


watching the sun setting too quickly

turning our precious day into night

a sure sign of what was to come

the darkening evening twilight


pier lights glowing

high tide rolling

evening stars beginning to shine

our last night together

will haunt me forever

not knowing what was on her mind


she was always a little sad

you could tell that she had

a lot hidden beneath her surface glow

I seldom thought our love

would ever be for her enough

and soon out of it she’d flow


we were sleeping on the beach

she was close enough to reach

wrapped in a blanket warm and tight

but she would soon slip away

its still hard for me to say

I awoke and she was gone out of sight


in the moonlight I searched around

looking far then looking down

I saw her small footprints in the sand

they went straight into the waves

her chosen path an ocean grave

something I will never ever understand


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heart of mine


only you helped me through the night

only you made everything right

only you sheltered me from the rain

only you comforted me from the pain


only you went the extra mile

only you always made me smile

only you gave me faith to go on

only you helped me when things went wrong


only you I loved so much

only you I long to touch

only you I hope someday to find

only you back in this heart of mine

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too late


I never thought that I would hear

so many words you said

a testament against our love

now gone and dead


I wish you all the love

your heart can forever hold

it is now too late

to change the end of us

my dearest friend

I am now lost

I will not see

your dark brown eyes again

or hear the calls from you

like so many nights

a love that you might

have felt was worth

more than you did give

I no longer live

within a world

with a chance for us

to make up for all

we now leave behind

one last call

I made to you

but you had no time

to perhaps find a way

and so your words today

spoken at my grave

will not pass through

and the tears from you

are all in vain

the regret and pain

are yours to keep

im underground

darkness fills

no subtle sound

a single rose upon a stone

with love you now place

but I’ll never know

you came too late

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don’t give up when life gets hard

don’t give up when things are falling apart

have faith my friend until the end

that the sun will soon rise and shine bright again


smile my friend God is by your side

he will steady you against the heavy tide

of trouble and sadness that cause so much pain

soon the sun will break through the dark clouds & rain


there’s a miracle waiting for you

that'll heal your heart

a sincere prayer from you is the key to the start

then put your faith in God who is always there

his light will soon shine through all the despair

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the end


our time together now gone

I will so miss your heart

the poetry and songs

until the very end I’ll always care

as deep as love would ever dare

so go find your peace but forever know

I will always hold a place within my soul

for you and I to find a way

and change the past so lost and torn

no matter how long or old or worn

a faithful soul I will not let go

without you here and close again

redemption love sincere

until the end, until the end


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