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Review: Moonlight by Necroshade

Necroshade is a little known metal band that produces these enigmatic and emotional songs, as well as having a very cool, versatile, and powerful sound. Their song, Moonlight, is one of their most poignant and melancholic songs, as it tells the story of a doomed romance between a man and a woman who met on a road trip.

The song is well structured, consisting of three verses, a chorus, and a solo. The verses describe the man’s memories of the woman, while the chorus expresses his regret and sorrow. The solo is an instrumental section that showcases the band’s musical talent and creates a contrast with the vocals. The lyrics are descriptive and sentimental, using sensory details and imagery to convey the message. The song uses words and phrases such as “High Sierra roads”, “fresh mountain pine”, “dark forest grove”, and “moonlight” to create a vivid and nostalgic picture of the setting and the mood.

The song’s musical elements match the tone and mood of the lyrics. The song has a slow tempo and creates a sense of calmness and sadness. The song uses acoustic and electric guitars, keyboards, drums, and bass to create a smooth and harmonious sound, as well as vocals that range from gentle and melodic to passionate and raspy. The song uses pentatonic and blues scales to create a feeling of warmth and melancholy. The song has a catchy and memorable hook, as well as a emotional and expressive impact.

The song is a well-written and performed example of "acoustic metal", as it demonstrates the genre’s diversity and depth. The song is not meant to be loud or aggressive, but rather to evoke subtle and complex emotions and reactions from the listener. The song is a testament to Necroshade’s skill and creativity, as well as their ability to explore the human and romantic aspects of life. The song is a must-listen for fans of metal, as well as anyone who appreciates a good doomed love story.

Michael Gandy

Spins Magazine

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