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Review:  Haunted By Me by Necroshade

NECROSHADE is a dark metal band that is known for their intense and macabre lyrics, as well as their heavy and aggressive sound. Their latest song, Haunted By Me, is no exception. It tells the story of a vengeful ghost who torments his former lover who cheated on him and caused his death. The song is a powerful expression of anger, betrayal, and revenge, as well as a reflection of the psychological effects of guilt and remorse.

The song has a simple structure, consisting of two verses, a chorus, and a bridge. The verses describe the ghost’s actions and feelings, while the chorus repeats the main theme of the song: “You’re haunted by me”. The bridge reveals the ghost’s motivation and ultimate fate: “You can’t kill me because I’m already dead”. The lyrics are straightforward and direct, the words and rhymes to convey the compelling message. The song does not use metaphors or symbolism, but rather relies on the literal meaning of the words to create a vivid and horrifying image of the ghost’s revenge.

The song’s musical elements match the tone and mood of the lyrics. The song has a fast tempo and a loud volume, creating a sense of urgency and intensity. The song uses distorted guitars, drums, and a thunderous bass line to create a heavy and dark sound, as well as occasional emotional growls to add to the horror and aggression. The song also uses minor chords and dissonant harmonies to create a feeling of tension and unease. The song does not rely upon melodic or catchy hooks, but rather focuses on the rhythmic and sonic aspects of the music to create high impact.

The song is a very well-written and well-performed example of dark metal, as it showcases the genre’s characteristics and themes. The song is not meant to be pleasant or easy going, but rather to evoke strong emotions and reactions from the listener. The song is a testament to Necroshade’s great skill and creativity, as well as their ability to explore the dark and twisted aspects of human nature. The song is a must-listen for fans of dark metal, as well as anyone who appreciates a good horror story.

Jason Wild

RockLine Magazine

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